Shannon Hendrickson Memorial Grant Essay Specifications

Shannon Hendrickson Memorial Grant

Essay Specifications and Submission Requirements

The late Shannon Hendrickson of Signature West Farms was a consummate horsewoman who tirelessly encouraged youth participation in Pacific Northwest horse sports. To honor her memory and to further that commitment to young riders, Cascade Horse Shows, in partnership with Sea Mountain Agency / CHUBB Insurance, is offering four grants to riders 18 and younger. Each grant awards $500 to be applied towards entries at a future Cascade Horse Shows’ event.*

How to Qualify

To qualify, young riders (18 years and younger) must submit a short 1-2 page essay about someone who has made a lasting difference in their enjoyment of horses and the quality of their horsemanship.


Tell us about that special person who has made a big impact on your life with horses. That trainer, coach, parent, or friend whose encouragement and guidance helped shape who you are as an equestrian and taught you about horsemanship and sportsmanship. Please include one or two favorite lessons learned or memorable moments. But especially tell us what you appreciate most about your time with this individual. (Use your own words; no AI submissions please.)


One grant will be awarded at each of our four shows throughout the season. Each grant recipient’s winning essay will be read during the awards presentation.

2024 Grant Application Deadlines

June 11th | Swiftwater Invitational
June 18th | Alpine Preview
June 26th | Pacific Crest Open
September 4th | Cascade Finals

Application Submission

Submit your finished essays via email to . Please make sure the subject line reads: Cascade Memorial Grant Application.

* Event to be held during the current or upcoming show season

Next event starting in:


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